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Auction 31

Well shafted again! The second US Amusements Auction was held this past weekend, 11/25/00 and I missed it, just like I missed the one before. Family commitments left my usual arcade collecting comrades, standing in the front line without me. Lucky for me they were well armed with pen and paper, and took down prices of the vids and pins. Thanks to Al Warner, Jeff Kinder, Leon, and Greg, and again to Al for the painful typing he did to make this page happen. (See Al.. Its harder then it looks!) Al took the majority of the pictures, but thanks must also be extended to Carl who was the high bidder on the Empire Strikes Back Cockpit. Carl wanted to remind us all, how big, some of these machines can be as he included pictures at the bottom of the page of his machine stuck in the entrance to the basement. There is also a picture included of its new resting place, "in the garage for now" after they got it unstuck. Good luck to Carl in finding a bigger home!
Well enough of my ramblings. With 257 video machines, and 74 pin prices.. You all have some reading to do!
I do not own any of the games listed here, Do not have any tie ins to the sellers or the auction personal, and will ignore all Email asking to by any of these games. My for sale area is
here, not below. :-)


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Mini Pac Man.jpg
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Two gauntlet Legends.jpg
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Gauntlet missing its side art.jpg
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Defender and a Centipede mini.jpg
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Asteroids Dlx.jpg
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Ms Pac and Asteroids deluxe again.jpg
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Asteroids and Bagman.jpg
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An interesting Pac Man conversion.jpg
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A nice Popeye.jpg
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A beat up Bubbles.JPG
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25 inch games too.jpg
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Off to the left is a Dig Dug.jpg
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Dig Dug again.jpg
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Make Trax and Star Wars.jpg
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Joust 2.jpg
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High Speed pin.jpg
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Mr and Ms pac pin.jpg
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O my god South Park.jpg
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More from the rows of pinball machines.jpg
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The old version of Star Trek pin.jpg
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A close up of that Star Trek.jpg
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Last Action Hero pin and others.jpg
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Space Shutlte pin.jpg
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Star Trek Pin.jpg
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Shaq and the Simpsons.jpg
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Pac Man.jpg
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Lots of machines for sale.jpg
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More pictures of a full row.jpg
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Mouse Trap.jpg
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Nice Neo Geo.jpg
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Nice Pengo.jpg
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Nice Tempest.jpg
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Road Blasters.jpg
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Puch Out Stargate and Kangaroo.jpg
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PP sit down.jpg
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Paperboy and Rampage.jpg
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2 720 machines.jpg
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Stargate and Defender.jpg
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Thunder Blade & Centipede.JPG
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Super Zaxxon.jpg
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Star Wars.jpg
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Empire Sit down.jpg
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Star Wars close up.jpg
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Star Wars rests in the garage.jpg
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Cocktail Tables:
Crystal Castles $250
Frogger (Junky - Dead) $50
Make Trax $200
Ms. Pac Man $850
Super Cobra $150
The Pit $190

Videos: (19")
720 $35
1000 Mile Rally $240
720 (Dead) $170
Afterburner $200
Afterburner $250
Afterburner $35
Afterburner (No Picture) $25
Alien vs Predator $250
Aliens $175
Aliens $25
Arch Rivals $70
Arch Rivals $40
Arkanoid $135
Asteroids (Sides painted black) $550
Asteroids Deluxe $625
Asteroids Deluxe (Mini) $400
Bad Dudes $40
Bagman $375
Birdie King (Dead) $20
Blasteroids $275
Blitz $600
Bowl-0-rama (Dead) $20
Bubbles $440
Buggy Challenge $45
Cabal $75
Capcom Bowling $175
Capcom Bowling $85
Capcom Bowling $105
Capcom Bowling $55
Capcom Bowling (Dead) $100
Captain America $210
Carnival $235
Centipede $150
Centipede $460
Centipede (Mini) $350
Champion Baseball (Dead) $1
Chase H. Q. $120
Chase H.Q. $175
Continental Circus $45
Crime Fighters $25
Crime Fighters $40
Defender $295
Defender (Dead) $300
Devastators $50
Dig Dug $325
Dig Dug $200
Do Run Run (Mini) $55
Double Axel $100
Dr. Mario $25
Fighter's History $20
Frogger $300
Galaga (Dead) $250
Gate of Doom $30
Gauntlet $475
Gimme a Break $100
G-Loc $6
G-Lock $50
Golden Tee $45
Golden Tee Golf $80
Hang On $50
Hang On $70
Hang On (Dead) $15
Hat Trick $10
Hubble Bubble (Mini) $150
Joust 2 $600
Kangaroo $275
KI2 $675
Klax $75
Knuckle Bash $60
Konami GT $50
Krazy Bowl $100
LeMans (No PCB) $1
Lethal Enforcers $225
Main Event $85
Make Trax $45
Make Trax $105
Mario Brothers $175
Mario Brothers $200
Martial Champion $75
Marvel Superheroes $325
Mechanized Attack $170
MK3 $375
Monaco GT Mini (Monitor Prob) $20
Moon Patrol $250
Mouse Trap $400
Mr. Do $75
Ms Pac Man (Conv.) $325
Ms. Pac Man $525
Ms. Pac Man $600
Ms. Pac Man $575
Ms. Pac Man $600
Ms. Pac Man $525
Ms. Pac Man (Monitor Prob) (BB) $500
Ms. Pac Man (Scrambled Screen) $525
Narc $70
Neo Geo (6 Slot) $375
Neo Geo 2 Slot (19") $260
Off Road $50
Operation Wolf $170
Out Run $175
Outrun $100
Outrun $150
Outrun $105
Outrun $15
Pac Man $550
Pac Man (Mini) $300
PacMan (Conv) $240
Paperboy (Dead) $5
Paperboy (dead) $6
Peek a Boo $65
Pengo $130
Phoenix $175
Pigskin $150
Play Choice $50
Play Choice $95
Pole Position $60
Pole Position (Broken) $20
Pole Position II $150
Popeye $160
Popeye $170
Punch Out $175
Q-Bert $325
Racin' Force $90
Rampage $300
Rampage $70
Road Blaster $145
Road Riot $95
Rolling Thunder (Dead) $35
Rush n' Attack (Mini) $175
Sarge $65
Skins Game $125
Sky Shark $105
Smash TV $250
Smash TV $350
Speed Rumbler $60
Star Wars $125
Star Wars (Dead) $225
Stargate $425
Stargate $600
Stargate $225
Steel Gunner 2 $35
Street Fighter II $185
Super Zaxxon $35
Superman $130
Tempest $475
Tempest $600
Tetris $30
Tetris (Dead) $10
Thunder Blade $150
Thunder Blade $120
Thunder Blade $120
Time Pilot 84 $15
TMNT $120
Top Speed $150
Top Speed $60
Turbo Outrun $200
Turbo Outrun $200
Turbo Outrun $45
Turbo Outrun (Bad Monitor) $110
UN Squadron $25
V-BAS $90
Victory Road $30
Victory Road $60
Video Challenge $190
X-Men (2 Monitor Vs Cab) $10
Zero Point 2 $475
Zero Point 2 (Bad Monitor) $550

Videos: (25")

1000 Mile Rally $150
Area 51 $525
Area 51 $450
Area 51 / Maximum Force (Combo) $775
Battle Arena 2 $275
Battle Toads $260
Crime Patrol 33" (Dead) $25
Final Blow $300
Final Lap 3 $200
Fisherman's Bait $950
Gang Wars $95
Gauntlet Legends (36") $1,600
Gauntlet Legends (36") $1,950
Killer Instinct $280
Killer Instinct $250
Killer Instinct $340
Lethal Enforcers $110
Lethal Enforcers $200
MACE $600
MK $125
MK II $400
MK II $235
MK II $500
MK III $250
MK3 $425
MK3 $265
NBA Jam $175
Neo Geo (1 slot) $110
Neo Geo (2 Slot) $370
Neo Geo 4 Slot $400
Off Road $150
Operation Thunderbolt $145
Operation Thunderbolt (Dead) $25
Police Trainer $475
Puninsher $85
Racin' Force $260
Samurai Showdown $130
SF2 CE-HF $245
Soul Edge $275
Soul Edge $240
Steel Gunner 2 $155
Super Monaco GP (Dead) $75
T2 $375
T2 $460
Tekken 2 $300
Tekken 2 $250
TMNT $425
Virtual Fighter $400
Virtual Fighter $250
Virtual Fighter 2 $375
Virtual Forcers $225
World Rally $130
World Rally $335
X-MEN $225
X-MEN $300
Zero Point $400
Zombie Raid $350


Alpine Racer $500
California Speed $1,900
Cruisin USA $1,600
Cruisin' USA (Bad Monitor) $875
Daytona Twin $2,700
Empire Strikes Back $950
Final Lap $25
Final Lap (dead) $10
Final Lap 2 (Twin) $180
Hard Drivin' $125
Hard Drivin' $20
Hard Drivin (Bench) $150
Hard Drivin (Cockpit) $300
Harley Davidson (27") $2,800
Outrunners $400
Pole Position II $100
Rad Mobile $275
SF Rush (Bad Color) $1,150
Super GT (Twin) $1,925
Turbo $25
Virtua On (Twin) $900
Virtua Racer Twin $300

The Dead Row

Afterburner $10
Galaga $42.50
Gladiator $1
Hard Drivin' $65
Outrun $25


Airborne Avenger $50
B.S. Dracula $1,000
Bally Bingo $50
Baywatch $950
Big Brave $325
Black Knight $200
Blackjack $105
Bride of Pinbot $475
Countdown $110
Countdown (No Legs) $80
Cueball Wizard $600
Demolition Man $850
Dolly Parton $315
Dr. Dude (No Glass, Dead) $275
Earthshaker $700
Earthshaker $525
Eightball Deluxe $325
Flintstones (BB) $925
Gladiator $525
Gorgar (No legs) $250
Gunsmoke $250
Happy Clown $350
High Speed $475
Hot Hand $170
Hot Shots $300
Hurricane $1,025
Johny Mneumonic $950
Jokerz $300
Laser Que $500
Last Action Hero $650
Lethal Weapon 3 $675
Lethal Weapon 3 $550
Lost World $105
Mr. & Mrs. PacMan $300
NBA Fastback $1,000
NBA Fastbreak $1,275
Pinbot $375
Pinbot (No Glass, Dead) $155
Playboy (Bally) $250
Playboy 35th (DE) $500
Raven $225
Rescue 911 $925
Riverboat Gambler $425
Road Kings $325
Shaq $425
Shaq Attaq $750
Shaq Attaq $450
Simpsons $775
Sinbad $150
Slugfest $550
South Park $2,600
Space Jam $1,150
Space Shuttle (Bad displays) $300
Speakeasy $20
Star Trek (Bally) $750
Star Trek (DE) $575
Star Trek TNG $1,600
Star Wars Trilogy $975
Starship Troopers (New?) $1,125
Street Fighter II $375
Super ? $200
Supersonic $205
Surf Champ $115
Surf N' Safari $575
Surf Safari $450
T2 $700
Tales of the Crypt $900
Teed Off $725
Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles $500
Tri Zone $275
Twister $1,000
TX Sector $400
Victory $300
Who Dunnit? $950

Neon Arcade

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