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Auction 81

Time now for the yearly Baltimore auction. Held on Oct 27th 2005, This yearly event gets me out of the house at 3 in the morning and returns my there 24 hours later. Half of this time is nothing more then driving, but this show has always proven to be one of the better ones in this area.
This years show was handled a bit differently then all other previous shows held by this group.
This year they added a "buy it now" part of the show, where everything in a separate back room had direct buy prices on them. The equipment tended to be the better items, ether new or refurbished. Around 2pm, the auction shifted from the regular auction area, to the buy it now area and all items there were sold the same as the regular auction. I did not take any down of the prices in this area. It was my feelings that most of theses item would be bough back by the original sellers. Many of the pieces in the buy it now area came from distributors, like Benson, who were not about to take a loss on brand new equipment. There were some confirmed sales in that room, but sorry, the boys need to go out for lunch too. The down time also allowed us to discover an open gumball machine of rubber super balls. We spent a good hour whaling them at each other in an attempt to whack someone in the balls or take out an eye… Great fun!
When auctioning was going on in the main room, it was handled like every other year. The room is split in two and 2 auctioneers hold to auctions. Jeff Kinder took one side and I took the other, giving the best price coverage available. Drop by the Dragon Lair Project and tell Jeff thanks for the help!
In all a good show, but since I started this in 97, there has been a rapid decrease in the "classics".
No longer are their rows of Ms. Pacs and the majority of the few classics the show up are often an poor shape or broken. A really nice Sinistar was there, but broken, a good (but broken) Mad Planets made an appearance as well. I myself have been looking for a Star Castle, but non at this show. Looks like the 80s classics are ending up in basements to never return. :-(


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buy-it-now room longshot
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buy-it-now room longshot 2
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buy-it-now room pins
640 X 480
25 KB

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buy-it-now room pins 2
640 X 480
30 KB

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SI - Qix in the buy-it-now room
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Jeff Plays MK2
480 X 640
26 KB

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Pman and Zoon
640 X 480
32 KB

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SF Rush
640 X 480
29 KB

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Spy Hunter 2
480 X 640
25 KB

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33 KB

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Blue Print mini
480 X 640
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spy hunter
480 X 640
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Winner and DK
640 X 480
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Sonic Champ
480 X 640
34 KB

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Star Wars
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31 KB

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Food Castles
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Rush 2049
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empty satin hollow
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monster bash
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Rally X
480 X 640
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Daytona 2 pair
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Mad Planets
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Point Blank
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Source of ammo
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Balls tossed everywhere
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Arkanoid (graphic problems) $135
Classic Football NFL $750
Frogger $275
Galaga $625
Ms Pac missed


720 (not working) $75
Aero Fighters $125
Afterburner $40
Afterburner $110
Alien vs. Predator (25") $200
Arch Rivals $40
Area 51 $350
Area 51site 4 $225
Arkanoid $25
Arkanoid $60
Asteroids $400
Asteroids (not working) $125
Astro Fighter $160
Ataxx (dead) $25
Bad Lands $25
Big Buck Hunter $950
Big Buck Hunter $1,250
Big Buck Hunter $600
Birdie King (not working) $35
Blitz (25") $375
Blitz 99 $450
Blue Print (mini) $225
Bowling Deluxe $350
Bubble Bobble $200
Call Of the Wild $2,400
Capcom Bowling $100
Capcom vs. SNK $135
Centipede $275
Centipede $500
Centipede $400
Centipede missed
Centipede (not working) $150
Chase HQ $75
Confidential Mission (25") $675
Confidential Mission (25") $650
Crises Zone $1,100
Crisis Zone $800
Crystal Castle (in food fight case) $175
Deer Hunter USA (25" not working) $225
Defender $725
Die Hard Arcade (25") $195
Donkey Kong $500
Donkey Kong $350
Donkey Kong $175
Donkey Kong $450
Donkey Kong (jr. case, dark monitor) $200
Donkey Kong (not working) $375
Donkey Kong 3 $350
Donkey Kong Jr. $325
Donkey Kong Jr. $375
Double Dragon $75
Dynamite Cop $125
Dynamite Cop $175
E.D.F. (not working) $35
Extra Inning $25
Fighters History (monitor on it's way out) $50
Fisherman's Bait $200
Galaxian $475
Gauntlet (bought back) $350
Gauntlet Legends $300
Ghostly Goblins passed
Golden Tee 2003 Fore (25") $775
Golden Tee 2004 $1,300
Golden Tee 2005 $1,650
Golden Tee 2005 $1,650
Golden Tee 2005 $1,700
Golden Tee 2005 $1,750
Golden Tee 2005 Fore (25") $1,700
Golden Tee 97 $175
Golden Tee 99 (25") $900
Great 1000n Mile Rally 2 (25") $100
Great Fighters 2 $100
Gun Blade $900
Gyruss $450
Hang On (not working) $35
Hang On (not working) $50
Hang On (not working) $10
Hogans Alley $90
Joust $500
Karnov (dead) $10
Killer Instinct $400
Landing Gear $275
Lethal Enforcers $225
Lethal Enforcers $250
Lethal Enforcers (dead) $85
Lethal Enforcers 2 $275
Lighting Fighters $75
Lost Worlds $550
Mad Planets (not working) $350
Madden Football $2,600
Madden Football $1,500
Mania Challenge $100
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (25") $175
Marvel vs. Capcom missed
Marvel vs. Capcom $375
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 $650
Max RPM $75
Maximum Force $1,000
Maximum Force (25") $500
Missile Command $275
Moon Shuttle $200
Mortal Kombat (dead) $10
Mortal Kombat 2 $235
Mortal Kombat 2 $275
Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate $350
Mortal Kombat 4 $110
Mr. Do's Castle $110
Ms Pac $575
Ms Pac $400
Ms Pac $600
Ms. Pac $275
Multicade $700
Namco Classics Collection $450
Namco Reunion (board problems) $875
NBA Jam $175
Neo Geo (1 slot not working) $135
Neo Geo (1 slot) $75
Neo Geo (1 slot) $200
Neo Geo (1 slot) $75
Neo Geo (4 slot) $250
Ninja Gaiden $75
Off Road (25" no petals) $175
Open Ice $225
Operation Thunderbolt $60
Operation Wolf $400
Operation Wolf (not working) $10
Out Run $110
Out Run (dead) $20
Pac Man Plus (not working) $25
Pacland $80
Pacmaina $400
Pacman $550
Paperboy (not working) $60
PGA Tour Championship 2 $950
PGA Tour Championship 3 $1,900
Point Blank $275
Pole Position (dead) $50
Pole Position (not working) $50
Pole Position (pretty nice) $200
Police Trainer $450
Police Trainer $350
Popeye (Not working @ sale but was before) $50
Primal Rage $50
Pro Football $150
Qbert $300
Racin Force $200
Rad Mobile $125
Radikal Bikers $275
Rampage $30
Rampage World Tour missed
Revenge of Doh $100
Revolution X $350
Revolution X (missing 1 gun) $125
Ring King (dead) $10
Road Riot 4wd (not working) $10
Samurai Showdown 2 $150
Satins Hollow (dead, no boards or monitor) $45
Shanghai (dead) $10
Silent Scope Dark Silhouette $850
Silent Scope Dark Silhouette $700
Simpsons (25") $450
Simpsons (25") $225
Sinistar (complete but dead) $250
Skins Game $450
Sky Soldiers $125
Slap Shot $80
Sonic Champion (25") $200
Soul Edge $150
Space Invaders (mini) missed
Space Invaders DX $125
Sport Shooting USA $1,550
Spy Hunter $125
Spy Hunter (sides painted black) $235
Spy Hunter 2 $325
Star Force (dead) $5
Star Wars $600
Street Fighter 2 $140
Street Fighter 2 (dead) $10
Street Fighter 2 CE $110
Street Fighter 2 CE $60
Street Fighter Alpha $100
Strikers 1945 $275
Sunset Raiders $125
Super Monaco GP $135
Tekken 2 missed
Tekken 2 (25") $150
Tekken 3 $160
Tekken 4 $225
Tekken 4 (2 monitor, not working) $250
Tekken 4 (not working) $175
Tekken Tag $360
Tekken Tag $150
Tekken Tag missed
Tempest (playing blind) $400
Terminator 2 $300
Terminator 2 $175
Tetris $100
Toobin $175
Unknown Game (dead) $5
Unknown Game (dead) $5
Unknown Game (dead) $5
Unknown Game (dead) $5
Virtua Cop $225
Virtua Cop $250
Virtua Fighter $175
Virtua Fighter $60
Virtua Tennis $375
W.F. Wrestlefest $110
Wing War $175
Winner $350
World Class Bowling (25") $500
World Series (dead) $5
Wrestle Mania $135
X man missed
Xyvious $200

Sit-Downs and Deluxe Machines
18 Wheeler $1,300
18 Wheeler $1,350
AirTrix $975
Blitz 2000 gold (33" missing control stand) $150
California Speed $925
California Speed $650
Club Cart $1,400
Crusin Exotica $2,800
Crusin USA $750
Crusin USA $50
Crusin USA $750
Crusin World $1,050
Crusin World $825
Crusin World $750
Cyber Cycle $550
Daytona 2 $750
Daytona 2 (dead) $450
Daytona 2 (missing steering Wheel $775
Deer Hunter USA (33") missed
Extreme Racing (dead) $150
Final Lap 3 $250
Golden Tee 2004 Fore (33') $625
Gun Blade (dead 50") $275
Hard Driving (not monitor) $10
Harley Davidson $1,250
Hydro Thunder $1,150
Jambo Safari $1,950
NBA ShowTime / Blitz $170
Point Blank (50" monitor not working) $10
Pole Position $325
Ridge Racer $900
Road Riot 4wd $160
Rolling Extreme $675
Rolling Extreme $575
Route 66 $1,475
Rush 2049 $2,200
Rush 2049 $2,200
San Francisco Rush the Rock $650
San Francisco Rush the Rock $600
Speed Racer (2 player) $300
Tekken 3 (33") $400
Time Crisis 2 $1,250
Title Fight (2 monitors) $300
Wing Shooter (33" not working) $300

Adams Family $2,900
Bow and Arrow $225
Bride of Pinbot $850
Corvette $1,900
Dealers Choice $140
Disco Fever $190
Dr Who $900
Escape from the Lost World $450
Falstaff $160
Fish Tails $600
Fish Tails $1,000
Fish Tails $1,000
Fish Tails $1,250
Flip Flop $375
Freedom $250
Getaway $1,000
Gigi missed
Grand Lizard $375
Indiana Jones $2,100
Jack Bot $1,050
Judge Dredd $825
Lethal Weapon 3 $550
Lethal Weapon 3 $800
Maverick $750
Monster Bash (bad wear on out holes) $3,200
Nugent $650
On Beam $200
Play Time $300
Popeye $850
Pot of Gold $190
Rescue 911 $600
Rescue 911 $750
Road Race $250
Sinbad $350
Starship Troopers $825
Street Fighter 2 $500
Strikers Extreme $925
Super Mario Bros. $850
Teed Off $750
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles $300
Terminator 2 $925
Tommy missed
Twister $600
Viper $800
Who Dunnit $750
Who Dunnit $875
Winner $350
World Cup $1,000

Neon Arcade

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