Row of clasics
640 X 480
30 KB
Additional classics here
640 X 480
24 KB
Buckey O'hare
480 X 640
29 KB
480 X 640
37 KB
Gorf and Track & Field
640 X 480
45 KB
Import Missile Command
480 X 640
44 KB
Import Missile Command close up
480 X 640
38 KB
Marble Madness
480 X 640
32 KB
480 X 640
26 KB
480 X 640
47 KB
Popeye Conversion
480 X 640
45 KB
480 X 640
42 KB
Root Beer Tapper
480 X 640
34 KB
480 X 640
28 KB
Second Tapper
480 X 640
39 KB
Donkey Kong Cocktail
640 X 480
18 KB
Johnny Nero Action Hero
480 X 640
30 KB
Maximum Force
480 X 640
37 KB
Mortal Kombat
480 X 640
37 KB
The Grid
480 X 640
39 KB
Crisis Zone
480 X 640
43 KB
Golden Tee 2010 live
480 X 640
34 KB
Big Buck Safari
480 X 640
33 KB
Brave Firefighers
480 X 640
43 KB
Speed Up
640 X 480
17 KB
Power Putt
480 X 640
39 KB
Row 1 of 2 of jukeboxes
640 X 480
40 KB
640 X 480
41 KB
Party Zone
480 X 640
52 KB
Laser Que
480 X 640
50 KB
Johnny Mnemonic
640 X 480
46 KB
Lazer Ball
480 X 640
45 KB
480 X 640
48 KB
480 X 640
43 KB
480 X 640
50 KB
480 X 640
50 KB
Addams Family
480 X 640
41 KB
Black Pyramid
480 X 640
40 KB
Donkey Kong |
$275 |
Galaxian |
$300 |
Multicade |
Missed |
Aliens |
$125 |
Arkanoid |
$110 |
Big Buck Hunter 2 |
$775 |
Big Buck Hunter Pro |
$2,200 |
Blasteroids |
$225 |
Blitz |
$125 |
Blitz (dark monitor) |
$100 |
Blitz (not working) |
$50 |
Blitz 99 |
$225 |
Blitz 99 (bad monitor) |
$75 |
Boardwalk |
$350 |
Bowling |
$125 |
Breeders Cup |
$400 |
Breeders Cup |
$400 |
Bucky O'Hare |
$135 |
Capcom Bowling |
$110 |
Carnival King |
$350 |
Centipede (not working) |
$130 |
Centipede / Millipede /
Missile Command |
Missed |
Come On Baby (not working ,
slashed up) |
$60 |
Continental Circuit |
$75 |
Crisis Zone |
$225 |
Dangar |
$175 |
Deer Hunter |
$200 |
Demolish Fist |
$150 |
Donkey Kong |
$400 |
Donkey Kong / Dk Jr / Mario
Bros. |
$850 |
Donkey Kong / Dk Jr. /
Mario Bros. |
Missed |
Double Dragon |
$150 |
Egg Venture |
$100 |
Empty case with 25" monitor |
$60 |
Gauntlet Legends |
$125 |
GhostBusters |
$85 |
Golden Tee Classic |
$50 |
Golden Tee Complete |
$475 |
Golden Tee Fore |
$250 |
Golden Tee Fore |
$150 |
Golden Tee Fore 2005 |
$250 |
Golden Tee Fore 2005 |
$350 |
Golden Tee Fore 2005 |
$350 |
Golden Tee Fore 2005 |
$1,150 |
Golden Tee Fore 2005 |
$350 |
Golden Tee Fore 2005 |
$375 |
Golden Tee Fore 2005 |
$300 |
Golden Tee Fore 2005 |
$325 |
Golden Tee Fore 2005 |
$400 |
Golden Tee Fore 2005 |
$310 |
Golden Tee Fore 2005 (dead
monitor) |
$250 |
Golden Tee Fore Complete |
$675 |
Golden Tee Live 2010 (bad
monitor) |
$2,400 |
Gorf (not working) |
$125 |
Johnny Nero |
$225 |
Jurassic park 3 |
$525 |
Jurassic Park Lost World |
$400 |
Lethal Enforcer 2 |
$150 |
Lethal Enforcers |
$160 |
Lethal Enforcers |
$75 |
Lethal Enforcers |
$125 |
Lethal Enforcers 2 |
$125 |
Marble Madness |
$375 |
Maximum Force |
$475 |
Maximum Hangtime |
$125 |
Mega (not working) |
$125 |
Merit Four Play (Mini) |
$100 |
Missile Command (Ireland
cabinet) |
$275 |
Mortal Kombat |
$85 |
Mortal Kombat |
$225 |
Mortal Kombat 2 |
$350 |
Mortal Kombat 4 (bad
monitor) |
$125 |
Mortal Kombat Ultimate 3 |
Missed |
Mortal Kombat Ultimate 3 |
$85 |
Mortal Kombat Ultimate 3 |
$60 |
Ms Pac |
Missed |
Ms Pac |
$350 |
Ms Pac |
$200 |
Ms Pac |
$400 |
Multicade |
$575 |
Multicade |
$925 |
Multicade 48-1 |
$325 |
Multicade 60-1 |
$900 |
Multigame 48 in 1 |
Missed |
Multigame 48-1 |
$250 |
Namco 20th anniversary |
Missed |
NBA Maximum Hangtime (not
working) |
$110 |
Neo Geo |
$45 |
Neo Geo (4 slot) |
$250 |
Neo Geo (4 slot) |
$225 |
Neo Geo (4 slot) |
$130 |
Nil Blitz 99 |
$90 |
Operation Wolf |
$125 |
Operation Wolf |
$150 |
Outrun |
Missed |
Outrun |
Missed |
Outrun |
$275 |
Outrun |
$160 |
P.O.W. |
Missed |
Pacman |
Missed |
Paperboy |
$400 |
PGA Tour Golf Team
Challenge |
$450 |
PGA Tour Golf Team
Challenge |
$525 |
Police Trainer |
$125 |
Police Trainer |
$225 |
Police Trainer |
$185 |
Popeye |
Missed |
Popeye (converted) |
$110 |
Power Put |
$1,300 |
Power Put |
$1,975 |
Power Stone |
$200 |
Q-Bert (screen full of
garbage) |
$170 |
Race Drivin (upright) |
$120 |
Raiden Fighters |
$100 |
Ranger Mission |
$325 |
Revolution X |
$150 |
Revolution X |
$200 |
Revolution X |
$225 |
Ring King |
Missed |
Robotron |
$600 |
Root Beer Tapper |
$525 |
Root Beer Tapper |
$475 |
Royal Rumble |
$275 |
$90 |
Silver Strike |
$1,000 |
Silver Strike Live |
$2,100 |
Silver Strike live (bad
monitor) |
$1,700 |
Soul Edge |
$100 |
Soul Edge |
$150 |
Special Forces Elite
Training |
$300 |
Spiderman |
$275 |
Sport Shooting USA |
$375 |
Steel Gunner 2 |
$100 |
Street Fighter 2 CE |
$110 |
Street Fighter 3 |
$150 |
Street Fighter the Movie |
$150 |
Super HangOn |
$110 |
Super HangOn |
$110 |
Surf Planet |
$50 |
Surf Planet |
$50 |
Tapper |
$500 |
Tapper |
$800 |
Tekken 2 |
$100 |
Tekken 3 |
$75 |
Tekken 4 |
$425 |
Tekken 4 |
$225 |
Tekken 4 (not working) |
$40 |
Tekken Tag |
$250 |
Track & Field
(restored) |
$500 |
Turkey Hunting USA |
$175 |
Turkey Hunting USA |
$250 |
Turkey Hunting USA |
$200 |
Virtua Cop 3 |
$525 |
WF Wreslefest |
$225 |
Wing Shooting Champion |
Missed |
World Series |
$100 |
World Series 99 |
$130 |
WWF Wreslefest |
$75 |
Zero Gunner |
$135 |
Zero Point 2 |
$125 |
18 Wheeler |
$525 |
Alpine Racer |
$10 |
Arctic Thunder |
$825 |
Arctic Thunder |
$900 |
Big Buck Hunter |
$4,350 |
Brave Fire
Fighters |
$850 |
Speed |
$375 |
Speed |
$525 |
Speed |
$425 |
Speed |
$425 |
Speed |
$450 |
Crazy Taxi |
$800 |
Crisis Zone
(50" screen) |
$120 |
Cruisin Exotica |
$800 |
Cruisin Exotica |
$900 |
Cruisin Exotica |
$800 |
Cruisin World |
$700 |
Cruisin World |
$800 |
Cruisin World |
$550 |
Emergency Call
Ambulance |
$450 |
Emergency Call
Ambulance |
$400 |
Evil Night |
$150 |
Fast and
Furious Drift |
$2,400 |
Harley Davidson |
$725 |
Harley Davidson
(50" screen) |
$750 |
Hydro Thunder |
$450 |
Hydro Thunder |
$450 |
Hydro Thunder |
$425 |
Hydro Thunder |
$500 |
Hydro Thunder |
$700 |
Hydro Thunder |
$550 |
Hydro Thunder |
$550 |
Lucky &
Wild |
$110 |
Multigame (33"
monitor) |
$200 |
Nascar Arcade |
$625 |
Off Road
Thunder |
$525 |
Police Call 911 |
$500 |
Rail Chase 2
(50" screen) |
$175 |
Road Burners |
$675 |
Road Burners |
$475 |
Route 66 |
$475 |
Route 66 |
$475 |
Rush 2049 |
$850 |
Rush 2049 |
$7,755 |
Rush 2049 (not
working) |
$400 |
Rush the Rock |
$450 |
Rush the Rock |
$450 |
Speed Up |
$325 |
Speed Up |
$225 |
Star Trek
Voyager |
$375 |
Super Bikes |
$4,350 |
Super Bikes |
$4,350 |
Time Crisis 2
(2 monitors, not working) |
$50 |
Time Crisis 3
(2 monitors) |
$1,225 |
Top Skater (50"
screen) |
missed |
Addams Family |
$2,225 |
Bram Stoker's
Dracula |
$850 |
Casino |
$325 |
Cyclone |
$925 |
Dr Who |
$800 |
Fish Tales |
$1,450 |
Flicker |
$250 |
Getaway (had
issues) |
650? |
Island |
$950 |
Gorgar (not
working) |
$300 |
Harley Davidson
(Sega) |
$2,250 |
Harley Davidson
(Stern) |
$3,100 |
Hokus Pokus |
$575 |
Jonny Mnemonic |
$950 |
Laser Que |
$350 |
Monday Night
Football |
$950 |
NBA Fast Break |
$950 |
Nightmare on
Elm street |
$850 |
No Good Gofers |
$1,500 |
Party Zone |
missed |
Eagles |
$1,975 |
Roller Games |
$650 |
Simpsons (no
backbox) |
$275 |
Slug Fest |
$450 |
Super Score |
$350 |
Theater of
Magic |
$2,400 |
Tommy |
$1,300 |
Whirlwind |
missed |