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Auction 32

Finally! After missing the past 2 Pennsauken auctions, I finally made an appearance at the January 6th 2001 show. This is not to say that everything went well. Family commitments (or shall we say, my wife lack of commitment towards this hobby), forced my departure at 3:00. Thanks as always to Al for picking up the slack, by getting the remaining 25" and 19" video prices as well as all the pinball and sit-down prices. Another thanks must me extended to Leon who took notes so I could take piss and grab a 5th, 6th and 7th cup of coffee!
Over all a good auction, A Mad Planets showed up at this one, which is one of the few games left on my wish list. Unfortunately, it was not working, but complete.(and just a tad hacked up on the inside) It went for more then I was willing to pay but I'm sure fellow collector Carl will put it to good use. I had my eyes on the Mr. Do! But that too was more then I wanted to part with at this time as I have more games now, then place to play them. And finally, there was the Omega Race (not working) that appeared after not seeing an Omega Race in the NJ auctions in the 3 years I have been attending. I would have bid on it, but the one I picked up in Maryland is nicer (although it doesn't work ether). I came home with some parts I plan on putting to good use, and a dedicated Double Dragon that I'm not sure what I'm going to do with. Perhaps make a Jamma cabinet so I can stop selling my Jamma boards on Ebay untested! A final mention would be the large number of Williams cocktail tables at the show. Defender and Make Trax were still original and in good shape and the Joust table would need re-conversion… See the pictures on the left.

Remember, this is a listing of the US Auctions, 1/6/01 show. I do not own any of the games listed here, Do not have any tie ins to the sellers or the auction personal, and will ignore all Email asking to by any of these games. My for sale area is
here, not below. :-)


Two Pinball Cocktails.jpg
38.5 KB

Defender Cocktail.jpg
36.8 KB

I was a joust.JPG
35.7 KB

Make Trax cocktail.JPG
37.1 KB

Not too much - not to little in the pin row.jpg
38.8 KB

Vids as far as the eye can see.jpg
39.8 KB

Airborne Advenger pin.jpg
49.6 KB

No fear, Judge Dredd, and Frankstein pinballs.jpg
43.4 KB

Airborne Advenger and Star Trek, 2 unsual pieces.jpg
42.8 KB

Q) - What was I

A) Sigh.... a Mistle command.jpg
36.6 KB

Mad Planets.jpg
40.9 KB

Omega Race.JPG
43.7 KB

Ms Pac and a Vindicators that was a Gantlet.jpg
35.7 KB

Spy Hunter 2.jpg
37.8 KB

Frenzy and Donkey Kong.jpg
38.4 KB

Cocktail Tables:

Airrwolf $75
Arkanoid $200
Birdie King 2 $65
Capcom Bowling $100
Championship Baseball (dedicated) $155
Defender (Not working) $500
Double Dragon (Was a Joust in a previous life) $175
Dunk Shot $75
Family Fun (pinball cocktail, Not working) $25
Fighting Golf $105
Foxy Lady (pinball cocktail, Not working) $25
Make Trax $125
Super Cobra $185
Tetris $190
The Pit (dedicated) $70
Vs Dr. Mario $105
Zaxxon (not working) $80

Videos (19")

Afterburner $240
Afterburner $110
Afterburner $255
Afterburner $25
Afterburner (monitor problems) $20
Aliens $70
Altered Beast $65
Ameri Darts $45
Arch Rivals $55
Asteroids $750
Asteroids (holy crap, it wasent that nice!) $975
Avenger $75
Bad Dudes $75
Bagman $165
Battle Zone vol 5 $45
Blasteroids $145
Boxeed $25
Buggy Chalange $25
Capcom Bowling $95
Capcom Bowling $35
Capcom Bowling $110
Capcom Bowling (was a millipede in a previous life) $65
Carnival $235
Centipede $450
Champion Sprint $95
Choplifter (a Tempest in a previous life) $55
circus (monitor problems) $50
Cisco Heat $225
Cisco Heat $150
Clutch Hitter $10
Clutch Hitter $2
Combat $40
Combatribes $10
Commando $40
Devastators $45
Dig Dug $330
Donkey Kong $400
Donkey Kong $420
Donkey Kong Jr. (scrambled screen) $160
Double Dragon $30
Double Dragon $45
Double Dragon $55
Double Dragon $75
Frenzy $110
Frogger $330
Frogger $295
Galaga (not working) $105
Galaxian $350
Gimme A Break $30
G-Loc $30
G-Loc (bad boards) $25
Golden Axe $60
Guerrilla $115
Gunforce $45
Hang On $195
Hang On $105
Heavy Barrel $85
Holey Moley $65
Kings and Balloons $70
Kung Fu Master $60
Mad Planets $210
Magic Sword $65
Millipede $440
Mortal Kombat $120
Mortal Kombat $90
Mortal Kombat $135
Mr.Do! $170
Ms Pac Man (not working) $360
Ms Pac Man $500
Ms Pac Man $600
Ms Pac Man $210
Ms Pac Man $400
Ms Pac Man $400
Ms Pac Man (just a shell, no monitor, boards etc) $85
Ms Pac Man (mini) $625
Ms Pac Man (not working) $300
Ms Pac Man (real bad screen burn) $425
N.A.R.K. $50
N.A.R.K. $85
Nark $155
Neo Geo 1 slot (not working) $100
Neo Geo 1 slot (with Puzzle Bobble and extra cart) $145
Omega Race (not working) $160
Operation Wolf $30
Operation Wolf $85
Operation Wolf $65
Operation Wolf (not working) $70
Outrun $160
Outrun $80
P.O.W $95
Pac Man $400
Pac Man $400
Pac Man (bad screen burn) $335
Pac Man (mini) $485
Pac Man (mini) $400
Paper Boy $205
Play Choice 10 $105
Play Choice 10 $95
Pole Position 2 $180
Rastan (another Tempest in a past life) $30
Red Alert $50
Renegade $50
Road Blasters $195
Road Riot 4WD $205
Road Riot 4WD $75
Robo Cop $80
Shadow Dancer $75
Skins Game $10
Snow Board $190
Space Duel (no boards) $240
Speed Rumbler $30
Spiderman (a gauntlet in a previous life) $135
Spy Hunter 2 $130
Strata Bowling $45
Street Fighter $85
Street Fighter 2 Champion edition $40
Street Fighter 2 turbo champion edition $115
Street Fighter II HF $85
Street Football $20
Super High Impact $130
Super Pac Man $150
Tag Team Wrestling (No boards) $1
Tee'd Off $35
Tekken $110
Tetris $140
Thunderblade $95
Thunderblade $45
Turbo (mini) $40
Turbo Outrun $115
UN Squadron $50
Vigilante $10
Vindicators $105
Vs. Pinball $70
Wec Lemans (not working) $20
World Rally $125
Xmen $115

Videos (25")
1000 Mile Rally $190
Alien vs. Predator $300
Blitz $575
Captain America $225
Double Axel $225
Fatal Fury $500
Giga Wing $475
Golden Tee 2K $1,375
Golden Tee 99 $900
Judge Dredd $275
Killer Instinct 2 $500
Lethal Enforcers $215
Lethal Enforcers II - Gunfighters $375
Marvel vs. Street Fighter $350
Mortal Kombat missed
Mortal Kombat $300
Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate (not working) $150
NBA Jam $75
Neo Geo 2 Slot (Bust a Move 1 & 2) $300
NFL Blitz 2000 33" $1,450
Off Road $95
Pit Fighter $110
Police Trainer $500
Police Trainer $425
Power Stone 2 $850
Racin' Force $330
Run & Gun 2 $325
SF2 CE $145
Simpsons $450
Simpsons $400
Soul Edge $250
Space Gun $275
Steel Gunner $140
Steel Gunner (not working) $50
Street Fighter 3 missed
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike $400
Team Quarterback $100
Tekken 2 $350
TMNT $250
Virtual Fighter $300
World Rally $150
World Rally $210
WWF Wrestlefest $200
Xmen, Children of the Atom (Dead) $225
Zero Point 2 $725
Zombie Revenge $1,450

Bots $200
Cops $300
Crusin' Exotica $3,850
Cybersled (Twin) $325
Final Lap $35
Hard Drivin' $60
Hard Drivin' $50
Hot Rod $300
Off Road Challenge $1,350
Offroad Thunder $2,500
Race Drivin' $150
Rad Mobile $200
San Francisco Rush $1,175
Starblade Pass
Thunderblade $350
Turbo $50

Airborne Avenger (Dead) $20
Baywatch $825
Black Knight $170
Black Rose $825
Breakshot $725
Buck Rogers (Problems) $110
Comet $425
Congo $800
DE Star Wars $975
Demolition Man $700
Doctor Who $875
Elektra $375
Elvira and the Party Monsters $725
Elvira and the Party Monsters $750
Fireball $450
Fish Tales $1,200
Flying Carpet $375
Frankenstein $675
Gladiators $375
GoldenEye $825
Gulfstream $225
Guns n' Roses $1,325
High Speed $425
Hollywood Heat $150
Jackbot $975
Judge Dredd $525
Judge Dredd $525
Lethal Weapon 3 $675
Liberty Bell (Williams) $300
Mousin' Around (Very Clean) $775
NBA Fastbreak $1,100
NBA Fastbreak $975
No Fear $825
Penneant Feaver $210
Pinbot $500
Popeye $700
Rescue 911 $600
Road Kings $200
Rocky & Bullwinkle (Exceptional Condition) $1,050
Shaq Attack $490
Silver Slugger $500
Silverball Mania (Broken) $200
Space Shuttle (no BG - Broken) $50
Spring Break $250
Star Trek (Extreme playfield wear) $250
Stargate $1,000
Stern Lightning $225
Super Mario $500
Tales of the Arabian Nights $1,825
Teed Off (buy back) missed
Teed Off $450
Terminator 2 $725
The Addams Family (buy back) $1,895
The Games $96
TMNT $475
WhiteWater $1,100
World Cup $110
World Cup 94 $900
WWF Royal Rumble $700

Neon Arcade

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