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Auction 93 |
Our 93rd
auction takes place in York, PA held by US amusements on May 5th
2007. The problem here is that the first weekend in May is
always the date for the Pinball Wizards convention in Allentown.
Auction houses have made this mistake before, but never seem to
realize the mistake in competing for attendance among similar
audiences, nor learn from it. Needless to say this was the
smallest show of the season. When I walked in the hall at 8:30 in the morning, the room was almost entirely empty, given home to only 9 or 10 redemption machines, most of them being cranes. I returned to the van, took a soda out of the fridge and sat in back to watch a movie and wait. By 11 it was looking a little better so I took out the camera ad took my pictures. Auctioning started at noon and we were done before you knew it. This is the last auction in this area till the fall kids. As normal, there are no Auctions during the summer months as the operators run their equipment up and down the Jersey shore. There may be a chance Ill be traveling south for a show, but that's up in the air -=Mark=- |
Sit-downs and Deluxe machines